Saturday, November 20, 2010

Why in the world am I going to Vietnam?

This is the question I have asked myself for the last few months, Why Vietnam? A little over a year ago my friend Bill hosted a golf tournament for an organization called Lost Orphans international and he invited me to play,he had shared with me how he had taken a mission trip to small town in Vietnam called LaGi. 

Bill had told me stories about his mission and about how God had really opened his eyes to helping orphans around the world. I didn't give much thought to it but was really proud of my friend. I also had met another guy named Aaron whose son Ethan was on Noah's baseball team and Aaron come to find out was part of this Lost Orphans International group. Small world huh? Fast forward to this past spring, Bill asked me if I was interested going to Vietnam with a group they were organizing for November 2010. I naturally said Let me think about it. I tried to think of every reason not to go, I just couldn't come up with any.

I have always wanted to seek and do those things that people do that you only read about in books or come see them talk in church, or see them on Today Show or Nightline. I wanted to go someplace in this world and do something for those who need help the most, I want to be that person who helps build orphanages in different parts of the world, I want to be that guy who helps give children in different parts of the world medical treatment and vaccinations and I want to be that guy who says yes to loving on children that are abandoned in this world. I prayed and prayed seeking out wisdom for what I should do. So I said yes. I was tired of being the "maybe next time guy" or "maybe someday guy". I wanted to be a "Yes" guy!
 So what was next? How do you raise over $3000 in just a few months? Great friends and family! To all those who gave, you are tremendous and thank you for sharing in my blessing. Thanks to my Garage sale friends, wow, what a blessing to have generous friends! To those who times are tough with right now, its ok I can definitely relate to that so Prayers are not only accepted, but encouraged.

So whats next?  Follow this journal and find out! Flying out Sunday morning 10:15. 13 1/2 hours, 3 hour layover, 6 1/2 hours flight from Tokyo to Ho Chi Minh city (Saigon).  My knees are not happy! I will live though.
Prayers for our team, safety, health, and our families back home.

God bless

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