Saturday, November 27, 2010

All kids, All day!

Blessings to all those who have been praying for our team. Our trip is getting to its final few days and fatigue is setting in. Some in our group are nursing pains, some not sleeping great, some not eating great, but I promise there is not one here who would rather be anywhere else right now then right here. Although our families being with us sharing the experience would be pretty great I will say.
We started the day out early by taking the kids to the beach! We all piled on our bus and went for a drive                     
When we arrived it was crazy, but we loved every minute of it. Kids running in every direction at the beach with a strong tide, shells everywhere and 1 adult for every 3 kids. An American moms dream! Shells were found, faces were splashed, crabs were chased and caught, ankles twisted, football thrown, everything a kid could dream of about a day at the beach.
We finished our day at the beach with an incredible lunch under a hut overlooking the South China Sea. Every now and then God gives you a perfect moment that you absolutely cherish. We experienced one of those moments today.
We headed back to the orphanage to drop the children off and go back to the hotel for a quick change of clothes and a little down time. You should all know what happens when the Lost Orphan group has down time.... AHHH YEAH  GAUW TIME!  Some local school kids walking near our hotel didn't know what they were getting into....
Bet you didn't know Gauw could be played in front of hotel on a busy street.... Needless to say these kids ran into a total domination, they never saw it coming! 
Time back at the orphanage is coming to an end soon, some of the kids know this, we are all getting a little emotional thinking of the inevitable. It is hard not to love precious kids.
Meet Truc Giang! I cant stand it she is so cute. She has the most incredible dimples, has the best hugs and loves to get tickled!.

These 3 girls below are the oldest at the orphanage, they have developed wonderful relationships with part of our team for a few years now, they have seen them grow into more beautiful young ladies over the years. They are smart, beautiful, incredible, wonderful young girls.  
Tram, Nyung, Truc Mai, They invited us to their dinner tonight. How could you say no? These girls are what Lost Orphans is all about. Unwanted, Unloved. They have become the wanted and loved! I would take all 3 of these girls home in a minute if I could. I think all of us would. Tomorrow will be hard.
I will close with this, these 3 girls are just the tip of the surface of all the incredible children here at the orphanage. There are so many wonderful kids that Lost Orphans supports. It is a great organization doing great things....
                                                              THE END!
To be continued.....

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