Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thuan and Esther & Love at first sight!

Let me start off by saying I have a new vice, I have discovered my crack cocaine here in Vietnam... it is called simply Vietnam Iced coffee. I am hooked!
Today has been a day of travel. We left Saigon this morning and packed up our bus along with about 8 others from a local church to make the 4-5 hour trip to the orphanage.
We brought with us 6 members of a local church who have been helping out as well as building relationships with the nuns at the orphanage. Every few times in a persons life I think you run across a person who after meeting them and talking to them you can't help but get the feeling that they are destined for great things! Meet my new friend Thuan  pronounced THWAN, in the picture up above. Thuan is a pastor at a local church in Saigon. He is as soft spoken as they come, but what makes him a wonderful person is his wife Esther. Esther has an amazing testimony! If you have time watch both parts of these, part 1 cuts off at the end and about a minute is missing but it concludes on part 2. I had the privledge of meeting both of them last night with some of their members. and got to visit with both on the ride in to the orphanage today. I am blown away by them both. Not to put any pressure on them, but I got the feeling I may have just met the future Vietnamese Billy Graham? I know thats putting pressure on him, but even if he isn't, I know these guys are going to be part of huge things here. Here is Esthers testimony if you are interested.

We finally made it to the orphanage late in the afternoon. When we did this what was waiting for new little friend here tasted my sunglasses, tried to eat them then decided my hat tasted better! Never thought I could feel so crazy about children that weren't my own, but that theory was just shot!
I have met and talked to many who have made the trip to Vietnam and the orphanage and I have heard the overwhelming joy that these kiddos can't help but bring to your heart, but OH MY GOD! is all I can say...if there is anything in this world that will melt your heart, It is these children. They sang, danced, and entertained us for awhile. It was pretty cool to see the team members who have been here before to reconnect with the children who have seen them in years past who have now grown up some.

We got to eat dinner with the nuns and then we wrapped things up for the evening with a little night time meeting with some of the kiddos present.
I couldn't help at some point tonight but be overwhelmed by the fact that these kids are orphans. Some given up because they were simply not wanted, some because their moms couldn't keep them or take care of them. They are truly beautiful kids! Loved by a group of dedicated nuns on a daily basis doing their best, supported by many finacially from the states, local church members getting involved. They may not have a mom and dad in the traditional way, but they are loved! I have found some new people this week I have fallen in love with, Love at first sight!


  1. Your blog about orphanged kids in VN are great! Its breaking my heart seeing these beautiful kids, especially the infants, without a parent's love. Thank you so much for sharing this, hopefully one day you'll be back to VN and do another blogging :)

  2. Btw, your lil friend who likes ur sunglasses and hat is extremely adorable!!
